Claude 3 beats GPT-4 for the First Time on LMSYS Leaderboard

Mar 28, 2024 | 0 comments

Claude 3 beats GPT 4

Anthropic released the Claude 3 model family earlier this month, and they have become highly popular since their release. Now Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus Model beats OpenAI’s GPT-4 model for the first time on the LMSYS Chatbot Arena Leaderboard.

LMSYS Chatbot Arena is a crowdsourced platform that ranks various AI models based on the votes given by more than 400,000 people. Since May 2023, OpenAI’s GPT-4 models have been topping the LMSYS Chatbot Arena leaderboard.

Claude 3 beats GPT-4

After 70 thousand new votes, Claude 3 Opus went above the GPT-4 model. The Claude 3 Opus had an Arena Elo score of 1253, which was just slightly above GPT-4’s 1251 Arena Elo score.

Recently, many users have preferred Claude 3 and considered it better than ChatGPT for their daily workflow.

lmsys leaderboard
Image Credits: Screenshot via LMSYS Chatbot Arena

OpenAI is expected to launch the GPT-5 model soon, as Sam Altman recently said  “We will release a new model this year.” GPT-5 will most likely again grab the top position on the LMSYS Chatbot Arena Leaderboard with its unique capabilities.

Anthropic has also received 2.75 billion dollars in funding from Amazon, which takes the valuation of the company to $18.4 billion. This will further help Anthropic improve their AI models.


This is a huge achievement for Anthropic; the Claude 3 has done something that most of the large language models couldn’t. They have finally beat GPT-4 and dethroned them from the top position. This gives tough competition to OpenAI and shows something better can always be created, and the competition in the LLM space is increasing at a very fast rate.

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